Ky's Creations
Art Commissions 🎨

Prices range, but find my general pricing in this section.
General Art Style
• Full Body - £10
If horse, + Rider £1.50
+ Extra animal - £7 Per Extra
• Half Body/Bust - £7
+ Extra animal - £4.50 Per Extra
• Headshot/Profile Picture - £4
+ Extra animal - £2.50 Per Extra
Lined & Shaded Art Style
• Full Body - £14
If horse, + Rider £2.50
+ Extra animal - £8.50 Per Extra
• Half Body/Bust - £7
+ Extra animal - £5 Per Extra
• Headshot/Profile Picture - £5
+ Extra animal - £3 Per Extra
Chibi Art Style
• Full Body - £7
+ Extra animal - £5 Per Extra
• Half Body/Bust - £5
+ Extra animal - £3 Per Extra
• Headshot/Profile Picture - £3
+ Extra animal - £2.50 Per Extra

My terms for art and how you use the things I draw for you.
• Stealing my art and claiming it as your own is not tolerated and most work will be watermarked.
• Claiming art as your own even after purchased isn't allowed.
• Editing my art, tracing, or recoloring is strictly forbidden.
• Once the price is set, its set, you won't get your commission if you try to put the price down once I've finished your art.
• You'll be given a watermarked version at first, and once you've paid you'll receive the non watermarked version.
• Try to credit when using my art!